GCBA EcoTachos Initiative​

The City of Buenos Aires coordinates various neighbourhood programmes, such as BA Recycles. Within this programme is the EcoTachos initiative, the name being an abbreviation of “ecological trash receptacles.”

The aim is to promote awareness regarding the importance of separating recyclable material in the household, providing the option for neighbours of the 3 million strong city to place a recycling receptacle in their homes. 


The EcoTachos initiative carries out a door-to-door survey of interest with a team of 150 volunteers called “Conscienticisers”, identifying every home that is amenable to receiving one of these receptacles. Their main objective is to follow up with every household that has manifested interest in participating in the initiative, as well as obtaining feedback from those involved. 

However, city residents’ personal information could not be kept in a distributed fashion on each mobile device, as this represented an unacceptable security risk. The City was faced with the challenge of continuing EcoTachos’ activities, allowing its team of Conscienticisers to recollect information while extracting the sensitive, confidential data of city dwellers in a consolidated and secure manner. The challenges they faced can be divided into four main categories:

  • Data extraction: Allow the distributed team of Conscienticisers to collect said data without permitting any permanence of the sensitive information in the mobile devices used,
  • Data security: Store and safeguard personal information collected from those registering in the initiative, following the highest standards of data protection and confidentiality established by City IT guidelines,
  • Centralisation: Manage the data in a centralised manner for communication campaigns, and
  • Dashboard generation: Generate KPI indicators for communication and strategic decisions.


Cuantic’s CRM solution, along with an added data import module, delivered a functional product that successfully resolved these issues in less than 2 weeks:

  • Data extraction: Cuantic’s data import module allowed the configuration of an abstract API generator, connecting the CRM database directly with the mobile app used by Conscienticisers in the field. This allowed for live extraction, completely bypassing any data permanence (storage) in the mobile devices. 
  • Data security: With thousands of hours invested in government specific modules, every element of the CRM implementation was already up to code in terms of data security regulations enforced by the City, allowing for such rapid product delivery. 
  • Centralisation: The CRM system in the EcoTacho’s servers received distributed information and structured it centrally in its Campaign Manager module, integrated with the City’s e-mail sending supplier. This allows for the execution of communication campaigns with high level segmentation and advanced contact management. 
  • Dashboard generation: Our tools were integrated with PowerBI, allowing for dashboard creation and setup for EcoTacho’s management.

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